Reflector 4 can be deployed via two different options utilizing a registry key. Administrators can choose to deploy to specific users, or they can choose to deploy to specific computers. A registry key can be created manually or with the aid of our application (listed below).
This method will install a registry key on a computer that allows any user who logs in to use the software.
This method installs a registry key in the user’s profile. A user must have the registry key in their profile to use the application. This allows administrators to restrict user access to applications.
Squirrels Registry File Creation Tool
This tool is only available to IT and network administrators who wish to deploy bulk licenses across a large network. To obtain this tool, please click here.
These actions should be performed on the server that manages user and computer access.
Step 1:
Create registry file
The registry file creation tool easily creates a deployable registry key. Launch this program to begin creating a registry file.
Select the program you’re deploying and enter the license key that was provided to you after purchase.
The registry directory field determines the type of deployment. Selecting “HKEY_CURRENT_USER” will create a registry key that deploys to users only. Selecting “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” creates a registry file that can be deployed to computers for every user.
Click the “Export .Reg File” button to save the registry file. Save the file somewhere easily accessible such as the Desktop or a flash drive.
Step 2:
Install the registry file
Double click the registry file and accept the prompt to modify your registry. This adds the newly created key to your registry.
To double-check that the key was successfully added, launch Regedit from Start Menu > Run and browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Squirrels\Reflector 4\
You should see an entry named “Key”.
Step 3:
Create a new group policy object
Next, create a new group policy object to push this custom registry to computers on the domain. To do this, open the Group Policy Management Editor from the Server Manager.
Create a new GPO (Group Policy Object) for the program to be deployed (Reflector 4)
Step 4:
Edit the GPO
Right-click on the GPO, then select Edit and you will see the Editor window open. You can expand either the “Computer Configuration” or the “User Configuration” section. Since we are working on a per-computer basis (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) in this example, we will expand the Computer Configuration side. Under Computer Configuration, expand Preferences > Windows Settings > Registry. You will see all the custom registries that have been added to this GPO on the right side of the window.
Right-click in this window and select New > Registry Item. You will see the below window.

Since we want to create this registry, we will change the action to “Create”. The hive will be the same place where we placed the registry on the server: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Squirrels\Reflector 4\
After selecting the key, the value name will be Key, and the Value data should be your license key.
Now, filter the GPO to your liking to properly deploy to the correct computers. General domain management should now be sufficient to continue deployment.